Villa Heike
Freienwalder Str. 17
13055 Berlin – Lichtenberg
limited wheelchair accessible WC
Elevators accessible to wheelchairs
Parking for people with disabilities
Free admission
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Villa Heike
The Scattering Loss of Space
A two-person exhibition with Anja Nitz and Sinta Werner

This exhibition presents works by Anja Nitz and Sinta Werner that explore the fragmentation of space and the loss of bodily spatial perception as a result of the widespread digitization and social networking of the world. What stands between us is meant in terms of architecture and material: glass and mirrors symbolize an overall shift in the way we see and perceive in the digital age, in which contact with the outside world is largely mediated via smartphones and computer screens. The works enquire into the extent to which the constant use of hardware and software as well as the flood of images on the Internet can lead to a disruption of interpersonal relationships. For the first time, the exhibition brings framed photographs and large-scale sculptural works referencing photography into an artistic dialogue.